About KillerResultsSolos.com
As of September 8, 2020 the URL of this shop was updated from KillerResultsSolos.com to Iqoption.com. Reviews before September 8, 2020 might not accurately reflect the current situation.
KillerResultsSolos.com generates traffic for their customers through unique clicks from solo ad traffic. Clicks are guaranteed to be delivered to the customer’s website 48-72 hours of agreed start time. However, they do not offer money-back in instances when customers are not able to reach expected results but they do have consulting services to help customers assess if KillerResultsSolos’ services are a perfect fit for their demand and business.
Their website is flooded with feedback from customers who was able to use their services for their business. This includes small, medium and large business who has struggled to earn quality traffic.
All reviews about KillerResultsSolos:
Great conversion and fast delivery! I’ll buy more from them. Like it.
Don’t believe to their false guarantees.
Excellent services!
I don’t prefer this one, too expensive.
No good. The price is very expensive compared to other offers and the results are disappointing. I just wasted my money on them.
Low output!