1.6/5 (23) 1.6 | 23 reviews


Focusing on high-end encryption, Nitro uses SHA-3 cryptographic encryption with Rijndael AES. So there’s no worries about password and account safety. Without using the typical ‘buy Instagram likes’ or ‘buy Instagram followers’ techniques of earlier social media marketing services, this is another option for organic Instagram growth.

Categorise your account, safely sync your Instagram profile, then add a minimum of 5 hashtags and accounts you want to target to get interest for your own profile. It will gender target, make suggestions, log all performance and allow you to refine your settings mid-campaign.

Two monthly, contract-free plans start at what seems to be the average price of just under $50; you won’t get targeting features, support, and speed limits with this. Pay an extra $30 per month and you do. Organic followers who opt to follow and like your posts and profile. Easy.

Top 3 Rated Alternatives
 4.8/5 overall
 2.1/5 overall
 4.1/5 overall

All Reviews

  1. Therapy dogs
    December 30th, 2021

    I lost my account and never got it back.
    I got banned 3 times prior to losing it for good. Nitreo never took the warnings seriously and never repaid my money.

  2. Kyle Mastropole
    December 21st, 2021

    WHAT A SCAM! After 3 weeks and only seeing one follower come in from their work I asked if I could see a report on what they had done because although my followers doubled, I was noticing that essentially all of them were from accounts of individuals whose photos I had liked (note I did not follow a single account, just liked pictures). They told me that they would not know until the unfollow process began, big red flag that you can’t tell me what you’re doing, which would require a second month payment. The next week I opted to cancel because yet again they would not tell me what they were doing on their end and I simply was not getting any results. I signed up after seeing a blog that stated their experience was nitreo following 1000 accounts within a week and getting them 70 followers per day on the basic package. I signed up for the speed package assuming that since this was a blogger that they got priority, so I paid more to avoid getting a lesser service. I was way wrong.

    They also lie on the dashboard about what they’re doing. My account got suspended for a week, so no liking, commenting, following or posting. Yet somehow the Nitreo dashboard was reporting all of that being done even though it was physically impossible to have any account activity due to suspension. So to sum up, they provide zero insight into how they help you, do nothing to help the situation when you let them know you are not satisfied with the service (I had 3 different people in chat that simply did not care) and they post false data on the dashboard as to what they are doing daily. Do not waste your money, shop small business if that’s even a thing for this with someone who will genuinely do the work

  3. Zahra Habib
    December 20th, 2021

    I wish I had read these reviews before!!

    They wasted an entire month. 3 calls were set up using THEIR meeting calendar on different days, but their lovely staff was a no-show.

    Their time-zone was not very out of sync but still they would just not make any effort.

    In fact, Instead of reading the entire email thread and understand that we were really excited about their product, they delayed everything.

    We suspected that they would make excuses and not give us a refund, and yes, while we asked them twice for refund, they denied saying no lets do a call…

    They are a complete waste of time and money.

    Excellent way to scam people!

  4. Sam
    December 12th, 2021

    I spent 6 months with Nitreo on their “Speed” plan. I did not get results and was not satisfied.

  5. Gareth Redfern-Shaw
    December 11th, 2021

    WARNING: Do NOT use

    As everyone else says, they take your money, then will get your accounts get blocked. It’s… good up to a certain point, but you don’t have any real control over the service, i.e. how long between liking and unliking and Instagram sees that as you spamming people. I was using the Speed function then after being blocked a number of times, downgraded to Essential and within days I was blocked again, on both accounts.

    I used it on 2 accounts which both grew to roughly the same number, 2500, one new account from 50, one from 1200 and then they stalled for months. I paid money to switch existing subscribers from new ones. My guess is, many of these users, are users of nitreo, because as soon as nitreo unfollows them, they unfollow me. So they weren’t real people that want to follow my content.

    My accounts have been blocked a total of 14 times in 7 months. I was even told to not use Instagram as my activity would get me blocked, and that, like many others, my activity was the reason I was being blocked, so I didn’t do anything for a month, and… I got banned, 100% due to Nitreo.

    Right now I’m a few days into another month, I’ve just cancelled my subscriptions and I’m asking for a refund of this month.

    Update: they followed / liked nearly 3,200 accounts and are offering zero help to remove them. So I have to manually remove them. When I contacted support they basically washed their hands of it, which I’m positive is how they deal with every complaint.

    If you complain about anything the response will be… that’s strange, no one else is having the same issue, here have a discount or a free month. OR this is your fault you liked a hand full of images or followed a couple of people which is enough for Instagram to block your account, never, sorry we made a mistake, let me fix it.

  6. Alexandra Mangen
    December 6th, 2021

    This service advertises for organic growth when it is anything but. My experience with Nitreo is that I got 100 followers in a month but they were all bot accounts. Then my service stopped working entirely for three weeks I stopped getting any followers at all. Then my service finally does start working again and all of a sudden I’m showing that I’m following 700 bot accounts. I did not give them permission to follow random bot accounts and when I asked them they said that’s just how their service works. Mind you somehow they can sign me up to follow 700 bot accounts but I still only had 400 followers. Then when I ask for a refund and they said they can only refund for technical issues but I had technical issues for three weeks so why can’t they refund me? It’s a $75 a month scam. Didn’t do crap for my business and I got zero sales from anything this company did.

  7. Sarah Smith
    November 19th, 2021

    Absolutely terrible, I wish I had come here first. Nitreo is a scam – they just take your money then lie through their teeth about the service. You’ll get replies from all different people with different excuses and different lies, without ever answering a question directly. I couldn’t add more than 5 targets on the basic service, and I couldn’t add blocked accounts. They told me this was a ‘system glitch’ and did not qualify me for a refund. When I said that they were not delivering the “guaranteed” growth results they ignored me and tried to tell me it was my fault because my IG account ‘has a low trust score’ I asked how did they know that… they dodged the question. They’re full of it. Preying on people’s desperation to grow on social media in 2021. I literally received 2 follows in 9 days. They viewed about 40 stories and followde 60 people…. that’s it. Something I could’ve done manually in 10 minutes. I have raised a dispute with my bank as they keep refusing to give me a refund. It’s a complete scam.

  8. Stella Johnson
    November 8th, 2021

    I used this service to grow my business IG page. I haven’t reach a lot of new followers (about 90 in 2 weeks), but after 2 weeks my page was deactivated because of actions Nitreo did on my account. I decided not to use the service anymore and requested for a refund, but instead they offered me to try it on another account convincing that it’s a very rare situation. I tried it to another account and it was deactivated in 2 weeks as well. I never was able to return access to my profile, so I lost it. After I wrote to Nitreo support and requested at least a refund, they just stopped answering me. Please be very careful using this service, I lost my profiles because of it and had to start over from the beginning.

  9. Aldo T
    October 21st, 2021

    A complete waste of money. They simply follow literally anybody hoping someone will follow back. Do not even bother to add relevant accounts. Lots of shady accounts added as well.
    Since all accounts they followed are completely irrelevant and useless i had to waste more time unfollowing them.


  10. Veron Official
    October 21st, 2021

    Very good for growth but got me banned. I found nitreo to be a very good growth service getting me followers and likes on my posts but i was banned for going against instagrams community guidelines. I got my account back after 3 weeks and i found out its actually against instagrams policy to have an app with a dashboard like nitreo does. I would advice not using it as you will get your account banned. Instead use a service like tree frog, its much better and does not break any rules like nitreo does.

  11. Nikki Zanna
    October 11th, 2021

    An absolute waste of time and money. All that happened was I followed about 200 irrelevant accounts – some of which were very dubious in their nature. If you want to pay to be followed by a bunch of randoms then go ahead and subscribe but if you want people to follow YOUR account and interact with your account then forget it.

  12. Henry Bat
    October 9th, 2021

    This is scam. save your time and money! Stay the hell away from this….! I wish i came here first. customer service is sucks! You will get big fat no for everything you ask. No refund!!!!! Don’t even bother, this is the worst service EVER>

  13. Jagminder Singh
    August 17th, 2021

    It is a scam and their service does not work. Don’t waste your money fir their subscription. There is no refund that you can get if service does not deliver. Complete waste of time and money.

  14. Elena
    August 10th, 2021

    works great even for a complete beginner like me. 10/10 would recommend

  15. Etan
    July 29th, 2021

    Simply to use… they get you real followers that YOU targeted. No hidden costs either, can’t complain

  16. Jake
    July 27th, 2021

    It’s a complete scam. My account has been banned for 90% of the time the nitreo bot was “active”. I received 0 followers and the bot was not doing what I was told it would; view, like and interact with my instagram feed. I paid over 60$ and received nothing back. When explaining this to the nitreo support team and asking for a refund, I receive an automated email informing me that my subscription has been cancelled. No refund, no apology or explanation but they had the gut to include a 15% discount code if I wanted to resubscribe. I’m writing this review before filing a dispute with my bank as well as reporting this company to the Better Business Bureau. It’s a clear and complete scam and they’re naive enough to think they will get away with it just because they’re not located in the US.

  17. Andrea B.
    July 27th, 2021

    I was confused when I’ve come here to leave a review. 🤔😃

    Had a good experience with the company.

    Everything went smoothly and pretty well! Great team and great CS, thanks, guys!

  18. Andrew
    July 21st, 2021

    Worst experience I have ever had with a business. I signed up for the most expensive package. My account proceeded to recieve two seperate 24 hour bans from nitreo, rendering me completely locked out of my account. I have been completely ghosted by the entire nitreo team and denied a refund, almost as if they got my money then cut contact and hoped I wouldn’t do anything about it. Please please please do not waste your time and money with this company. I wish the absolute worst for them and hope their joke of a business fails miserably. To Andy my “account manager” and the rest of the nitreo team, if there even is one, I hope you are ashamed of yourselves.

  19. N Fusco
    July 20th, 2021

    I wish i came here first. I have had this service for less than one week and i’ve been locked out of my account TWICE. I have gained NO new follows, NO new likes and their customer service is NON EXISTENT. Don’t even bother, this is the worst service EVER>

  20. Patti
    June 3rd, 2021

    Very frustrated.

    I signed up a few days ago…..little did I know it was impossible for me to access my password…..some glitch with Instagram but not fixable….I continue to try to convey that message through emails with someone from nitro….he obviously hasn’t read ANY of them and continues to send me the same emails asking whether I have changed my p.w.
    very frustrating and disappointing.
    I have asked for a refund but have not heard back about that either

  21. Rina
    June 1st, 2021

    I wish I had read the reviews before I signed up.

    from when I signed up my account went from following 380ish people to 1300 people in order to gain more followers. In the 3 weeks on a ‘rapid’ services I gained less than 60 followers which I could have manually done myself in that time.

    I would have persisted but INSTAGRAM has blocked my account for a week now, as business this is totally unacceptable.

    I have cancelled my subscription and would expect once the ban is lifted they honour their promise to return my follow level back to the original 380ish.

    Overall the cost and the anxiety of a locked account for over a 1$ for 1follow is really not worth it to me especially as some of those follows soon unfollowed

    I would say that they did reply promptly to my queries.

  22. David Kocsis
    May 29th, 2021

    100% DON’T USE IT!!! They blocked off our Instagram account 2x. We requested a refund based on their Refund Policy right after 1 week and they refused to give us the money back. Also, they did not take any responsibility when they caused the issue with our Instagram when we’ve got a ban! THEY DON’T USE THE PROXY and it’s so easy for the Instagram algorithm to find out where you log in to your IG account. In the end, they gave us in 2 months 4 followers but also a BAN FROM INSTAGRAM and you take a HIGH RISK YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE REMOVED PERMANENTLY!

  23. Conor
    May 25th, 2021

    I signed up with this unscrupulous bunch of unprofessionals and cancelled after one month as it was a very poor service. They continued to take another monthly payment. I’ve contacted them to request refund and have not yet received a response, I’ve also contacted my bank to ensure the payment is investigated and refunded. LESSON LEARNED STAY CLEAR!

    I replied to the email as suggested below and still I have not received a response. CLOWNS & SCAM ARTISTS!


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