1.6/5 (5) 1.6 | 5 reviews


Another top micro work jobs service for AI training data is Clickworker. Global crowds working for this long-standing company generate, validate and label data using the Clickworker app. With more than 2.8 million Clickworkers spread across 136 countries, you’ll always find the data to train your artificial intelligence project.

From chatbot training to ensure you answer every user query to facial recognition, Clickworker has completed over 1 million projects during its 15 years of micro task expertise. And it’s not just corporate AI tasks – you can ask for product descriptions, category texts, SEO content, advice and guide texts, and even blog articles from the army of semi-professional and professional workers.

These receive an average of $8 an hour, so this is one of the more affordable options out there. The combo of longevity and range of services make Clickworker one of the more popular micro task services out there.

Top 3 Rated Alternatives
 2.4/5 overall
 2.0/5 overall
 1.9/5 overall

All Reviews

  1. Crowdsourcing
    July 20th, 2021

    Flexible hours. You work whenever you choose to. Pay depends on the kind of job you do and varies depending on what job you do and how long you do it for.

  2. Independent worker
    July 3rd, 2021

    Clickworker started out being a good online option for me, as I needed time to resettle in a new place, and to think about the next steps for my career path. In the beginning (2018), there were lots of good projects available, and it was easy to meet those part-time job earnings goals. The work offered a lot of variety, and sometimes there would be opportunities to really dig in and make extra $ depending upon the specific project and the amount of time spent on it. All of that changed in the fall of 2019. I don’t know if the company was bought out, or if there was just a huge change in management. The amount of projects offered dropped off the cliff. The type of projects became less and less attractive. Sadly, the amount of pay for specific jobs actually decreased during the pandemic. During 2020, the jobs really dwindled down to almost nothing. There were also issues with the civility of one of the employees, and the company’s ability to get information to the workers on a timely basis. My last jobs with them were completed early in 2021, and I would never recommend this company to others in its current state, nor would I ever go back.

  3. freelancer
    May 13th, 2021

    Don’t waste your time doing tasks for this company, they will not pay you for your time. They have you complete the tasks and they do a so-called review and then reject everything.

  4. Current Employee
    June 18th, 2020

    They just scam you into spending your own money and “support” ignores your emails. The whole experience was just terrible.

  5. Former Employee
    January 19th, 2020

    Did not work for me. Very slow. Micro jobs. Tedious work. Too many error pages. NOT clear instruction on job listings. Very very low pay, even for a survey/odd task site.


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