4.3/5 (3) 4.3 | 3 reviews


When you need someone to support your business, what about a micro work jobs service like Fancy Hands?

Based in the US, you can employ virtual assistants and dedicated assistants for your business, special projects, and mobile app and API development needs. Work is split into requests in 20 minutes of standard requests. Live requests include 10 minutes of live chat. Order recurring requests or one offs and you’ll get a response within 24 hours, usually much sooner.

Smaller plans charge $6 per request, but sign up for a large or XL plan (15 and 30 requests per month respectively) and that goes down to $5. From booking a haircut to designing a new app, the stringent hiring criteria mean you’ll always get a professional for your money from the Fancy Hands microwork service.

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All Reviews

  1. Gail Sherman
    August 19th, 2021

    Would you like to be a businessman in a short time? I can recommend the top site. Exceoo is that. I invested and made a huge profit this morning. I’m happy to select this site and would want to offer you everything.

  2. 1narvaez
    April 23rd, 2015

    At least for me, it’s not worth it. I tested the virtual assistant first to see if I could trust this service. They responded quickly to the tasks but it was not efficient. They made mistakes, incorrect results although I gave them everything in detail for what I was asking on several tasks. I was able to do everything better myself and save money by just doing it myself. This service did not meet my expectations.

  3. Peter Griffin
    February 9th, 2014

    Having a virtual assitant for the first time is game changing… for reals.


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